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A "Dry-er" January

My Dry January Experience

One of the more common New Year's goals, is coined, Dry January.

Dry January is when you hold yourself accountable, through the first month of the new year, to abstain from drinking any and all alcohol.

Pouring Wine in a Wine Glass

While January wasn't the most exciting or glamorous month for me, I am so grateful that I took the time to focus on what matters and align with my goals! My Dry January experience involved a lot of self-reflection, accountability, and honesty- my parenthood journey, marriage, relationship with loved ones, friendships- and where I wish to take them.

2023 was peppered with experiences and wisdom that have afforded me a greater clarity than I’ve ever experienced. Despite the drastically different circumstances of present times, this is my first January, or conscientious, sober month, outside of pregnancy. I have never, in the past, partaken in, complete, purposeful, sobriety and it has been such a rewarding experience. (I say conscientious and purposeful because there have been many times I have forgone alcohol, but it was not to the extent of abstaining from alcohol, mindfully, for a long period of time. - Again, I will reiterate, outside of pregnancy where I, obviously, abstained from alcohol for nine months or more). If you've thought about trying out Dry January or even a sober month, but aren't sure what to expect, or are looking for some strategies to ensure success, this post is for you! If you are curious about the benefits and positive new habits that I have adopted this month, this is the post for you!

Top of your iced coffee or Diet Coke, alongside of me, and join me for a raw, transparent recap of My "Dry-er" January Experience and how it changed my relationship with alcohol!

As I navigated the last year, I have found it more important than ever, to hone in on self-care. One of the greatest lessons I've learned over the course of this past year, was that I cannot control what happens, but I can control how I care for myself, to ensure my well-being, is being taken care of.

My Dry January Experience has re-framed my relationship with alcohol!

First off, let’s get clear on exactly what Dry January encompasses.

It's quite simple, Dry January is an entire month where you abstain from drinking alcohol. There is also a new age of such abstinence, such as "moist January", where you limit your alcohol consumption. And for me, I found that Dry January didn't necessarily fit my journey as I did not have a full, January, of no alcohol. I will be the first to admit that I shared a drink with my husband during the second week of January and a glass of wine towards the middle of the month. I also went out with some friends towards the end of the month- thus being a "dry-er" January.

While the concept of a sober month may seem simple, it can actually prove to be quite challenging! I’m a very all or nothing type of person, so I fully embraced this challenge and was hopeful, that I would complete all 31 days, without a sip of alcohol. And although I had a couple alcoholic beverages this month, I am quite proud of the 28 days I went without and that the one drink didn't turn into two or three or even four as it would have otherwise (minus the one night out with friends).

This year, I plan to embrace all things in a gentler, more focused mindset, while creating and maintaining, healthier habits and boundaries as I cope life's stresses. Ultimately, I want to create the healthiest, happiest version of myself and I knew Dry January would be a great start!

Throughout the last year or so, I had adopted the habit of having a glass of wine, a vodka tonic, a seltzer (or two), more evenings than not. I found that what started as a "taking the edge off" turned into a habit and after some time, I came to realize that my alcohol consumption had really gone up hill. In January, I focused on implementing new routines and structures that not only redirected my time, but my energy and resources. Ditching alcohol has reminded me just how focused and productive I can be, and how effectively I can manage my time, stress, and relationships.

The first dry week can be more difficult than meets the eye! And if you find yourself reading this post during that time, hang in there, it gets better! In anything that challenges yourself, the first week is almost always the most challenging, but the more consistent you are, the progressively easier it gets. As with any experience, you only get out, what you put in!!

As I worked through the month of January, I wanted to ensure that it was rewarding in all aspects of the word, by creating new habits and strategies to help ensure my success! Below are some of the things that I found, to truly help me the past month.

  • Be authentic and real about your goals and intentions for the month. Rather than focusing souly on not drinking, choose to refocus your attention and effort toward what you'd like to achieve in retrospect and gain from the experience overall. Creating obtainable goals, is mandatory when challenging yourself!

  • Replace the drinking, with a more beneficial activity. Whether you finish the evening with a night cap, or a mid-afternoon pick-me-up, find something that can fill that time. For myself, I liked a night cap, and rather than sitting and sipping, I found myself focusing more on reading and journaling. You could also try yoga, meditation, exercising, listening to audiobooks, whatever you need to do to refocus that time.

  • Explore alternative beverage options that support your health and well-being. Whether you get into infused waters, homemade lattes, herbal tea, or my guilty pleasure, Diet Coke. I find myself craving these options above alcohol- regardless of the day of the week! Take out your favorite wine glass, and fill it to the brim with sparkling water, and you'll feel just as happy in no time!


Although I have observed previous sober months, my Dry-er January, was the month that re-framed my relationship with alcohol. 

I felt so clear, motivated, and powerful ditching booze for a month, that I have decided to continue to limit my alcohol intake for the remainder of the year. This has been unexpected and may appear a little drastic being that I didn't go completely alcohol free, but I have thoroughly enjoyed how my body and mind has been feeling, and thus feel that the impact could be everlasting. While I will always love a beautiful glass of wine, or my mouth-watering Moscow mule, it simple isn't worth what I was trading it for- especially during the work week. I swapped a couple bottles of wine and cocktails per week, for a focused mind, healthy body, and progress towards larger goals.

For me, saving that glass of wine or cocktail for the weekend makes it that much more special and enjoyable. I still revel in the process of popping into my local liquor store and selecting a bottle of wine, playing mixologist and enjoying libations with family and friends (when we’re permitted to do so, of course) — but only 3 days a week.

Although it hasn't been longing retrospect, I find that I crave it less and less  — and I’m also more mindful about the amount of alcohol I consume on weekends. Overall, My Dry-er January Experience has been one of the more positive things I’ve done for myself in a long time — and something I highly recommend everyone try at least once!


XO, Kelleen


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