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Good Morning, Sunshine

I'm sure you've heard the saying "early bird gets the worm", but what is the appeal to being said early bird? 

There is something so peaceful about rolling out of bed before the rest of the world, (well my kids... anyway), hearing the bzzzzz of the coffee being brewed in the kitchen, slipping on slippers, moseying into the bathroom with my eyes barely open, brushing my teeth, admiring my Ben Franklin style ponytail and making a beeline for the freshly made coffee in the coffee pot. Filling up my favorite morning mug of coffee with vanilla creamer, settling in on the couch with my favorite, cozy, leopard blanket, cuddling up and preparing myself for the day ahead. I like to take in my surroundings. The stillness of our normally little boy filled living room, the way the fresh, hot coffee mug warms my hands with the smell of the vanilla creamer lingering after each sip. Slowing down, taking time to invest in me, my well-being, for just a moment. I was always the kid at the sleepovers that was up first, the one who even after a night of partying was up before the sun. But, I haven't always embraced the peace of the early morning.

So how do you master the craft of being a purposeful, early riser?

Developing a morning routine for myself and my kids has been so impactful.

My kids and I thrive on routine and filling your morning routine with things that make you feel happy and energized may help you feel more motivated to get that booty out of bed.

Find something that you can look forward to.

For me, it has always been that first cup of coffee. It may be different for you, maybe a good book you've been reading, maybe a yoga program you enjoy, journaling or even just embracing the quiet. Whatever it may be for you, make sure it is readily assessable to you as soon as your internal alarm goes off. Create your serenity.

I find myself in the same spot, every morning. For me, it's sitting on my couch, with my favorite throw blanket, candle burning and my side table lamp on. Sometimes I grab my laptop, other times a good book, but it's my serenity. My space for peace.

Stay consistent.

You aren't going to adapt to the habit within one day, find what the timing looks like for you and stick to the routine. If your internal clock is not set for those early mornings, start off with an alarm, but ensure that the sound is something that brings peace and not the kind that sets you off in a mood.

Get your body moving.

Big workout or just a little something, move that body! I enjoy getting outside first thing and going on a long walk, especially being in Florida, you've got to catch the "cool" mornings. It is nice to take in the stillness of the neighborhood and it helps to give me the energy I need to conquer the day. Something that I am working on, every day, is putting my phone away at least 45 minutes before jumping into bed.

Scrolling through Facebook or watching the mindless Tik Tok videos we all know and love, right before your slumber, can lead to worse sleep. To combat the distraction, I have embraced the "Focus" option on my iPhone. I use the sleep setting to hold me accountable by, allowing notifications only from my parents and husband- for emergencies, all other notifications for incoming text messages or phone calls, all app notifications, etc. are held off until the set "wake-up" time.

Before simply shifting your sleep schedule, it is beneficial to establish a healthy sleep regimen.

You can promote better sleep by exercising regularly, avoiding caffeine, nicotine and even alcohol before bed, avoid evening and afternoon naps (unless you are under the age of 5 or like my dad who can nap at any time and still fall asleep), and find some relaxing pre-bed activities to get you ready for slumber. It is important that your bedroom is conducive to better sleep, ensure you have a dark, quiet, and cool environment.

Trust your body, allow your body to rise with the sun and sleep the dark away, which most bodies are wired to do, but life happens and "early to bed, early to rise" is not a one fit all, so if you prefer to sleep in, that's okay too!

Sleep well beauty queens!

XO: Kelleen

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