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Just Doing My Best

In today’s world, we are oftentimes driven by results, some obtainable, others may be a little flighty, but nonetheless, it can become so easy to get lost in the lust for the end result. While we are so focused on obtaining whatever the result may be, it can be disheartening to feel like no matter what effort you are putting in, or what work is being exuded, that we continually miss the mark. It can be all too easy to forget that our best, our very best, is always good enough, regardless of the result.

Just Doing My Best

Something I find myself sharing with Finely, especially within the realm of schoolwork and spelling tests, is that as long as you are trying your best, putting the work in and doing everything within your power to strive for the result that you want, that that is the very best you can do! Regardless of the result, the fact you tried your best, is all that matters to me!


Outside of the classroom, and even into adulthood, there is oftentimes this feeling of pressure surrounding you to achieve so much! While you believe wholeheartedly within yourself and your ability, it can bring an uneasy feeling when you are unsure if you are meeting said expectations. For some, it was driven into us in adolescents that your best isn’t enough, and will never be enough, if you don’t achieve what you are aiming for. That there will always have been more that could have been done, therefore not your best- and to that, I say, nuh uh.


Your best means doing all you can within the circumstance. Your best may not always feel like your best, and it doesn’t always equate to achieving the highest result, but that oftentimes is your self-deprecation, in its finest. Doing your best is doing all you can within your given situation, which is why it is always enough.


Feeling like your best is enough, can oftentimes feel conditional based on the result. If we do well, and achieve the result we were striving for, then we feel as if our best was enough and prosperous, and if we don’t, we didn’t try hard enough, we didn’t hit the best threshold. When we get caught up in what goals we wish to achieve, we can forget that rather than the result, the journey is what is truly impactful. Even if we don’t achieve what we were aiming for, what we gain in experience, and lessons, makes us stronger in all aspects of the word.


Regardless of the end objective, oftentimes there are many routes to get us to said destination, and whether that is the first shot or the third, the steppingstones we make are significant and impactful. Even if the path we thought we were destined for, turns out to be a roundabout, we are provided with experiences and opportunities that we would otherwise would not. It is hard to see this positive side when in the midst of things, but rather than focusing on the negative, we must always remember that we tried our best and that is more than enough.


Working hard and putting your best foot forward is the only way to be. Remove the possibility of what if and focus on the journey! Your best is and always will be, enough- even if the result is not what you first intended for.

Purchase a daily reminder for yourself and all your besties:

Just Doing My Best Color Rimmed Mug

Available in 11 oz and 15 oz,

color rimmed mug

(Green | Golden Yellow | Black | Dark Green | Blue)


25oz travel mug with a handle


 Or a 25 oz Travel Mug with a handle:


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