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Mastering Your Home Closing Shift

No matter how Better Homes and Gardens your storage and organization are, any home that has the blessing of children, that is lived in, will become disheveled by the end of the day and require a little, or a lot, of tidying up-which is where my night-time 'closing shit' came to fruition.

nighttime sky

This nightly lifesaver, or should I say 'next morning lifesaver' helps me reset my home, establish order, and helps banish those overwhelmingly chaortic mornings! Whether you're a night owl mama or a just looking to optimize your evening habits, mastering your home closing routine is the key to kickstarting a stress-free and organized morning (or maybe a more realistic, a house that doesn't instantly have you feeling overwhelmed when your graced by your little blessings at 6 in the morning).

The concept of a home ‘closing shift’ is nothing new, in fact, it has recently exploded on social media with other people swearing by the nightly routine, as a way to stay on top of the never-ending household chores.

My favorite tip to make this a more relaxing experience is to turn the lights down lower for a cozier feel and turn on my Alexa. Not only does this make the chores go by quicker, but also helps me start to unwind before bed with time away from a screen.

Music on low, lights dimmed, I begin the closing shift.

Locked and Loaded

My husband is always laughing at me for this, but one of the main things that stuck with me from my childhood, was the importance of our home security. After my blonde-haired angels are tucked away in their snuggly oasis' and fading into dreamland, I ensure that all the doors and windows are closed and locked, that the curtains are closed and the blinds are shut. Not only does this make me feel safer, but I like the cozy appeal, with the outside world being shut away.

Plan Tomorrow, Today

Take a moment to jot down any tasks, appointments, or reminders for the next day. Having a clear plan in place can eliminate decision fatigue in the morning and ensure you kickstart your day with purpose. This is a good time for my husband and I to get on the same page for the following day. If your husband is anything like mine, the more we discuss the day ahead, and the week before us, the better prepared we both are!

The Kitchen is Closed

The thought of going to bed with dishes in the sink and crumbs on my counter could send me into a tailspin! Regardless of the time, I will always make sure that the dishes are stowed away in the dishwasher, started if full or close, and the sink is scrubbed down and sparkling. If your children are anything as messy as mine, the crumbs on the countertop seem to duplicate as the day goes by, regardless of how often the counters are wiped, so I spend a good amount of time of spraying, wiping, spraying, wiping, all of the days crumbs and residues. My husband is responsible for setting up the coffee for the following day, so with the coffee set, the counters clean, and the sink smelling of lemon, my kitchen smells fresh and is ready for lights out!

Declutter and Organize

One significant contributor to morning chaos is a cluttered environment. So after the kitchen is stowed away for the evening, I spend the next few minutes tidying up communal areas and putting things back in their designated spots. This small act can work wonders in setting a peaceful atmosphere for the morning ahead.

This occasionally includes the never-ending laundry that accumulates within our home. It takes no time at all to throw in the random clothing items lining the bathroom floors and the random t-shirt by the sliding backdoor, into the washer machine, and if it's towards the end of the week, I think to start the boys' laundry at the end of the evening so that first thing in the morning, I have clean clothes to throw in the dryer (this helps me to stay accountable and allows me time in the morning to get my workout in, coffee down, before I start my morning chores). For me, this is a major step in preventing me from feeling overwhelmed in the morning- I hate the look of clothes visually cluttering our space, and having the task of laundry started is a sure way to getting it finished!

In our home, the coffee table can become quite the catch all, from toys and remotes, to random cups and eyelashes (iykyk), so before heading to bed, I like to make sure that the trash has made it to the trash can, controllers are moved to their appropraite docking space, and the surfaces are clean ad clear for the morning. Visual clutter can be a leading cause of overwhelming feelings, so starting off the day with a blank slate can set the day up on a more positive note!

The last thing I do before turning off the living room light, is straighten up any soft furnishings like the sofa and armchairs. This usually involves plumping pillows to fall back on in the morning when I am still half asleep and throwing blankets back in our large storage bins, and refolding the throws and hanging them on the back of the couch.

Ready Your Morning Essentials

Simplify your morning routine by selecting and laying out your outfit for the next day. Ensure everything is clean and ready to go. Whether it is laying out a new pair of leggings and a sports bra for your morning workout, or slacks and a blouse for the workday ahead, this small step can save you precious time and reduce morning stress.

Gather all essentials you'll need in the morning; such as keys, wallet, work documents, or gym bag, and place them in a designated spot by the door. For me, this is double checking that my keys are in my purse, my sunglasses are not on my kitchen island, and that my water bottle is filled and in the fridge. This prevents frantic searches in the morning and ensures you leave the house prepared.

Setting the Stage for Success

The transition from the evening to night is crucial in setting the tone for the following day. Start by winding down early to relax your mind and body. Unplug from electronics and engage in activities that promote peace and tranquility. This could include reading a book, practicing meditation, or enjoying a warm bath.

Embrace Calming Bedtime Rituals

Optimize your sleep environment by dimming the lights, setting a comfortable room temperature, and establishing a calming bedtime routine. This could involve sipping herbal tea, practicing gentle stretching, or listening to soothing music.

Wrapping up for a Peaceful Sleep

Incorporate these habits into your home closing shift routine and witness the transformation in your mornings. By prioritizing organization, planning, and relaxation in the evening, you set yourself up for a smoother, more productive start to the day. Remember, a successful morning routine begins the night before!

Now go ahead, redefine your evenings, and embrace the beauty of stress-free mornings!

Start today, rise beautifully tomorrow!

Unleash the power of your evenings and watch your mornings transform!

Cheers, Kelleen


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