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Back-To- School Jitters

Anyone else have kiddos with some back-to-school jitters??

Back to School, written on chalkboard

While we are busy crossing off the forever long, end of summer, to-do list and grabbing the four packs of colored pencils, the six small, purple, glue sticks, and the twenty other items on the school supply list, our children are preparing for a new school year with a new teacher, a new classroom, new friends, and new opportunities.

To combat Finley's back-to-school jitters, in addition to our daily affirmations, I like to remind him of all he is capable of and all he has to give, to his first grade classroom!

You are amazing. Bright, bold, and ambitious - with a glimmering heart of kindness.

As you enter first grade, in the coming weeks, I have a few words of advice...

Walk into the classroom every day, and say "good morning" to your teacher and colleagues. Acknowledging your teacher and classmates first thing in the morning makes a word of difference! For some, school is a refuge, for others, school is a scary and uncomfortable time. Be sure to share your kindness and your smile!

"Please" and "thank you" really are magic words. Use those words often and sincerely.

Don't worry about being first. There is something that is so appealing about being first in line, first to answer a question, and first to go down the long slide, but before you know it, you'll discover that the worst kind of people are those that are pushing and shoving their way to the front. Be content in the middle or the end, sometimes. Life isn't a race, enjoy it! And hey, you're all going to the same place... regardless of how many other students are in front or behind you.

Do your best. Whether you're writing a story, doing the never-ending computer work, singing a song, or creating a masterpiece - give it your all, always!

Don't worry about those silly, mistakes. As hard as it can be to make a mistake, it is important to remember that mistakes teach us. The people who make the most mistakes are typically the most successful - because they are willing to try and try and try, again.

Drink water! Getting enough water will help you think more clearly, run more quickly, and feel better. Got a sore throat? Drink more water. Feeling sleepy? Drink more water. Tummy rumbly? Drink more water. Water is "medicine."

Cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough. Into your sleeve, always!

If you don't know how to do something, it's okay to ask. For example, if you lose count while reading or reciting numbers, simply say "I lost my place, what number was I on?" or "Could you help me with the next number?" Your teacher and teacher helpers, are there to help you, allow them to!

If you have a good idea, share it. You are remarkable and the very best teachers know, that sometimes, kids, have the very best ideas.

If an adult or another child makes you feel uncomfortable, keep your distance. Never be afraid to tell me or your daddy anything and everything. If anyone ever asks you to keep a secret, you always tell mama, always. We'll help you think through solutions. We will protect you. If something ever happens at school, and you feel that uncomfortable feeling in your tummy, talk to a teacher- whether it's a "big deal" or not, you will never get in trouble for protecting yourself and others!

Stand up for the underdog. If you see someone who is sad or scared or lonely, be kind. Be friends with everyone and if you see someone alone on the playground, invite them to play with you!

Choose your friends carefully. Look for the kids that always have something nice to say. The ones who listen. The ones who laugh (but never at someone else's expense). Friendship is a gift and you make a great friend!!

Lead by example. Actions always speak louder than words. Be gentle. Be patient. Be forgiving. Be joyful. Be generous.

BE You. I wish you could see yourself, the way I see you. You are artistic and scientific, observant and idealistic, so so kind, and always gracious. You have a heart of gold, an active imagination, and a brilliant mind. Don't be afraid to dance to your own tune, to draw your picture differently, and to come up with your own answer.

Say "thank you" to your teachers at the end of every single day. As you hurry and scurry to leave the classroom with your friends, don't forget to look over your shoulder with a smile and say, "thank you" to your teacher! Every morning, be sure to say "good morning", and every afternoon, be sure to say "thank you"!

Remember you are so incredbily SMART.

Remember you are STRONG.

Remember you are LOVED (far more than you will ever know).

Parents, be sure to remind your kiddos that they matter. That they are capable of amazing things. Let's all teach our children to be kind and merciful. To always do the right things and respect their colleagues and superiors.

May you and your children have a wonderful school year!!

XO, Kelleen


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