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Back-to-School: Tackling the Endless Supply List

As summer break fades into a distant memory and the familiar scent of freshly sharpened pencils fills the air, students and their parents across the nation, gear up for the new school year. Among the flurry of emotions that come with embarking on this academic journey, one daunting task looms large over all others- the dreaded school supplies list.

back to school


Oh, the never-ending school supplies list- a seemingly endless scroll of necessaries that can strike fear into the hearts, and wallets, of even the most organized. From binders to crayons, markers and notebooks, the list goes on and on, leaving many wondering if they truly need all these items, or if it’s all just a ploy, to keep the stationary industry afloat. And while I may have been on the side of, “why the heck do you need four boxes of crayons” in the past, let me be the first to tell you, that that chaotic maze of must-haves, make all the difference for your student and the classroom, as a whole.  


Let’s break it down, shall we? At first glance, the list may appear overwhelming, but fret not, for I assure you, it is entirely manageable, and the supplies you are purchasing for your back-to-schooler, is indeed for them and not the bins of our teachers. While it may feel like your teachers have compiled every item under the sun, each serves a unique purpose in enhancing your learning experience.


·       Pencils and Pens: The backbone of any student's arsenal (regardless of age), these writing tools are non-negotiable. Oh, and let’s not forget, the most sought after, after the third week of school. Now, I know some schools ask that you purchase a specific brand or type, I encourage you to get what best first you and your wallet. Are some pencils easier to sharpen? Yes! Are some pencils prone to break more frequently? Also yes, but babe you do you and if those Ticonderoga pencils are $3 for a 12 pack and the Pen+Gear pack is only a dollar, you do you, boo!

·       Notebooks: Whether spiral-bound or composition, these will be your faithful companions throughout the year. A lot of times, the difference in type is due to the purpose- some use spiral bound for turning in assignments, others use composition books for their weekly journal writing. Nonetheless, these notebooks are used on an almost daily basis and are a classroom necessity. You can oftentimes find notebooks for under a dollar, but of course, you can purchase the pretty graphic designed ones for sometimes triple that, again that is your digression!  And in the case of needing multiple, think of all the different subjects being taught: science, math, social studies, ELA… It would be confusing for anybody, let alone a school-aged student to keep track if everything was compiled into one.

·       Highlighters: Because who doesn't love adding a pop of color to their notes? More so, think of the purpose of a highlighter- to highlight, so in ELA or even social studies, these are used to highlight important information. The use of highlighters further helps the student to focus on the important parts of the text- both literally and figuratively!

·       Folders: Keep your papers organized and your backpack clutter-free. In the case of Finley’s school, in the past, classroom folders have been used to bring paperwork home and the two pockets specify whether the paperwork is to “return to school” or “stay at home”. It should be no surprise that the amount of paperwork our children have at school is astronomical, and although you may not want to keep Little Henry’s 25 math assignments, Susy Lou down the street just might- so buy the folder, and when the papers come home, keep them, trash them, do you sister, but buy the damn folder. Again, in the case of needing multiple, think of the various subjects and/or various teachers- plus they are oftentimes much lighter than a binder.

·       Crayons: The use of crayons goes beyond kindergarten, and a lot of times that throws parents for a loop. Manipulating crayons helps to improve our children’s dexterity and fine motor skills, coloring improves hand-eye-coordination and who doesn’t love a good coloring session! The reason for multiple boxes is simple, crayons get lost just as often as pencils! And heaven forbid you don’t have all 24 crayons. So maybe 5 boxes seems a little excessive, but I can promise you, your kiddo is using all five of those boxes if not more!

·       Expo Markers: Depending on the class and age, some require JUST black or JUST fine-point, and for that, I say whatever. The price of expo markers doesn’t vary that much from size or color. In my experience, expo markers are used daily while in the classroom; whether practicing letter writing, practicing math equations, or classroom games, handheld whiteboards are a great tool within the classroom, thus requiring the need for expo markers.

·       Personal Pencil Sharpener: Convenient? Yes. Required? Not exactly.

·       Headphones: In today’s day and age, headphones are imperative to students’ success in the classroom. Whether they are completing online assigned homework, or computerized software programs designed for students, headphones allow for each student to have uninterrupted working time. I cannot begin to tell you how overstimulating it can become when you have 5 kids without working headphones, imagine a classroom full! No way jose! And whether you believe our children should be doing these online programs, that is neither here nor there and not always up to the teachers in the schools- just saying!

·       Ream of Copy Paper: If you read my above assessment as to the use of folders, then this may come across as repetitive, but I digress. Our teachers are constantly printing off work sheets, homework assignments, tests, resource handouts, etc. There are enormous amounts of paper used on a daily basis, and for a variety of reasons, so buy the copy paper and maybe think about adding another ream to the winter-break, back-to-school list! Your teacher will be forever grateful because without a doubt, they require more, and that oftentimes comes out of their own pocket.

·       Clorox Wipes: Germs. They are everywhere and run rampant within a classroom. If you would like to assist your student and their classmates with disinfecting anything and everything within their classroom, I highly suggest you purchase the Clorox wipes off your school supplies list!! Also, wipes are used for cleaning up unexpected spills and messes- similar to their use at home! In my experience, wiping down student’s desks and other high traffic classroom areas are a part of everyday culture! This is another item that oftentimes comes out of the teachers’ pocket once the student donated items have been run through, so I encourage you to add them to your grocery list when on sale and surprise your students’ teacher! Keep those babies and their teachers are healthy as possible- it all plays a part!

·       Tissues: Sickness. Germs. Allergies. I think this speaks for itself. Another item that once ran through, is purchased by your children’s teacher. Those luxury tissue paper prices may seem a little silly to you, but when it’s your baby in school, with a cold, wiping their nose every 10 minutes, you may think otherwise of skimping on the soft options!


While I am sure I haven’t covered the entirety of your student’s school supplies list, I feel confident that I’ve covered most. Scissors should go without saying, erasers too, glue sticks, pencil boxes, and notebook paper…


As you scan the sea of school supplies options at your local store, it is easy to get distracted by the array of colors, patterns, and designs, and while it may be tempting to reach for the glittery unicorn notebook or the neon gel pens, remember to stay focused on functionality over aesthetics! And while we all scrape pennies for these items, opt for durable, practice items, that will withstand the rigors of the academic year!

Let’s face it, school supplies can add up quickly, leaving a considerable dent in your wallet, however, there are ways to conquer the list without breaking the bank! Shop the sales, take advantage of the back-to-school sales and discounts to stock up on essentials at a fraction of the cost! For items that are more pricey, consider secondhand. Explore thrift stores or online marketplaces for gently used items like calculators or trapper keepers!

As you check off the last item on your school supplies list, take a moment to appreciate the excitement that comes with embarking on a new academic adventure! I vividly remember the excitement of going with my mom to the store and picking the items on the school supplies list, how exciting it was to be going back to school and seeing your friends everyday- embrace the chaos mama, revel in the endless possibilities that await, and remember that each pen, notebook, and folder, is a tool to help your student succeed on their educational journey!


Mamas, I encourage you to approach your students’ school-supplies list, with a practical mindset! Be mindful of your budget, but if allowed, inject t a bit of your kiddos personal flair into their choices! With a positive attitude and well-packed backpack, your scholar will be more than prepared to face the exciting school-year that lies ahead!!

Have a wonderful last week or two of summer, mamas!

XO, Kelleen


**For those of you looking for resources, I encourage you to reach out to local churches, local school districts, the salvation army, and united way! Look for backpack giveaway events in your community, oftentimes sponsored by local businessess, churches, and charities! I encourge every parent to start looking for supplies early to take advantage of the best deals and giveaways! And if you haven't already, I encourage you to join local community groups and online forums where residents may share information about free-school-supply events and opportunities!


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