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Blonde Tipsy Mama turns ONE

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Blonde Tipsy Mama!!

Whew! I can't believe it's been a whole year since I wrote my very first, official blog post, that I'm sure only my family and friends read. Haha- which is fine, totally!

There have been some many nights in the last year, where I have curled up with my drink of choice, usually a Moscow Mule, with my laptop in my lap, typing out all my indiscretions, memories, thoughts, and more. A year full of sharing my vulnerable side, my emotional side, my "mom" side, and of course some embarrassing short comings. The therapy that this blog has brought me is indescribable! At this time last year, I was battling my postpartum depression. I was battling internally with being a stay-at-home mama, navigating Finley and his heart journey, and working through some of the most hurtful days/weeks/months in my life in regard to my relationship with my close family members. I am thrilled with how much I have grown and the headspace I find myself to be in today.

Do I still struggle with depression? Absolutely! But I find it much easier to navigate.

I am still a stay-at-home mama, well for the most part. But I have also started substitute teaching and opened an online boutique with one of my best friends! (

Finley is thriving in all aspects of the word! My first born is in kindergarten and is KILLING it!! We just recently attended an awards ceremony for him, where he was awarded a Certificate of Positive Attendance and a Certificate of Achievement and was placed on the Principals Honor Roll- to say we are proud of him is an understatement! Who would have thought that the baby we had at 21 would be doing such amazing things?? Both he and Hudson are my biggest accomplishment, and I could not be any more blessed to be their mama!

Hudson is a wild two-year-old who gives me a run for my money, each and every day! He is hilarious and brave, but oh so ornery, with a temper that is most comparable to Baby Jack Jack from the Incredibles. I am so thankful to be able to spend my days with him, and I love the relationship he has and continues to build, with Finley!! I pray they always continue to be close and always love one another!!

My marriage and relationship with my husband over the last year has been incredible. I would even go so far to say that we had one of the best years we've ever had! Marriage is not easy, and there has to be work put in daily and I feel confident for the years to come, that we will continue to have just as many if not more, successes!

The relationship with my loved ones, that I have found myself sharing a lot about, is just as toxic and chaotic as ever. There has continued to be HIGH highs and LOW lows, there has been continued ups and downs, and a lot of radio silence, but with that, my children and I have grown so much!! Our boundaries are set and have stayed set and there is a lot more positive than negative going on for us, so we continue to just cruise by.

I look forward to another year of vulnerability and connection. I look forward to creating more, everlasting, relationships and sharing everything in-between. I look forward to the triumphs that I am hopeful for and am encouraged to work through every misfortune that I am realistic about coming.

Thank you again to everyone to who reads my posts and follows my journey!

I'm so so grateful for each and every one of you!!

Here's to another year of blogging!


XO, Kelleen


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