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Feeling like a "bad mom"? Read this.

Mama, I hear you. I hear you when you are berating yourself... questioning yourself... criticizing all you did today, the day before, the week before. You are in your own head thinking that you are in fact, a bad mom.

And if you are having those thoughts, it’s safe to assume they are right... right? Because today, today you lost your temper and you yelled at your kiddos. Because today, you snapped and sent your kiddo to bed at 4pm. Because today, you left the TV on all afternoon and evening so that you could cook dinner, change the laundry- to simply save your sanity. You left the TV on so that your kiddo wouldn't hear you crying, so they wouldn't see your tears and ask what's wrong. Because today, you craved and you allowed them to eat chips for breakfast, a spoonful of peanut butter for lunch, and cookies for dinner.

I know it, you are literally the worst...

But let’s take this one step further, if you were truly a bad mom, you wouldn't care. You wouldn't be bothered by any of these things, like the heathy eating or lack of stimulation outside of the television. You worrying about your kid, every minute of every day, that contradicts any and all associations of a bad mom. If you were this awful, terrible, bad mama, you wouldn't be worried about if your words are causing irreparable harm, you wouldn't be crying in the shower while your child plays safely in their room and you certainly wouldn't let the guilt taunt you, torture you, consume you.

You wouldn't be apologizing. Profusely. For all your wrong doings.

You wouldn't feel remorse.

If you think about it, truly think about it, your reaction proves everything BUT. You are loving. You care so deeply, endlessly, and unselfishly. And it proves, that you want the very best for them.

Your reaction proves that you, you are a good mom!!

So today, consider this when you are down about yourself, when that voice of doubt and loathing creeps in, consider that chips never killed a kid, nor did a little extra tv time.

You may not always be proud of your actions- you may not always feel like a Facebook post, worthy mama... those mistakes, they'll happen! We all make mistakes, whether it is in your motherhood journey, your work life, your interpersonal relationships... those mistakes, they shouldn’t always be seen as"bad." Maybe your mistakes are teachable moments. They help you to grow. Just like we teach our children, mistakes help us grow, they help our children grow and they make our bond stronger.

They make you a better woman. A better wife. A better friend. And the best of all, a better mother.

You are enough!

You are doing enough and those "failures" do not take away the fact that you, you are a good mom.

You are a great mom!

The best!

Hang in there mama, we are all in this together.


XO, Kelleen


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