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Finley, the Kindergarten Graduate

To My Kindergarten Graduate…

“You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting - so get on your way!” - Dr. Seuss

I have absolutely no idea where the time has gone, but the kiddo I put to bed tonight and the kiddo I put to bed in August look so similar, but dang, my baby has grown SO much!

kindergarten graduate

My sweet blondie, I cannot put into words how PROUD of you, we are!! You have accomplished so very much this last year in kindergarten, from being Student of the Month, on the E Honor Roll and your award for your Positive Attendance to just name a few of your recognized academic achievements. Alongside your academic achievements, the growth we’ve seen with your social skills, intelligence, and confidence has been astronomical! You, my sweet boy, are going to accomplish AMAZING things- keep up the good work!

I have watched your imagination grow alongside your legs, and you have continuously made me proud to call you, my son!

This last year, I really struggled with how much I missed you being at home with me, but seeing all that you accomplished while in school, hearing all about your day and the new things you’d learned, the friends you made and the games you played, and the resource classes you attended that day and the lunch you ate- I cherish those moments just the same.

Remember your first day of school, you walked into that big building all alone (with the help of your handy dandy map, although not as accurate as you had hoped- ha!)? I was so nervous for you, and I know you too were a little apprehensive, although you did a good job hiding those *first day jitters*, I didn’t. My tears hit the moment I drove away. I have a feeling that this won’t be the first of many tears that stream that way.

Those tears flow because I am so damn proud of the young man you’ve become. You are so intelligent and incredibly kind to your peers. You are helpful in the classroom and as Mrs. Mullins stated, " a model student."
first day of kindergarten to kindergarten graduation collage

Kindergarten is the starting point of your life beyond your family and boy has that been bittersweet. As you end your Kindergarten journey and move your way up the academic ladder, I have endless hopes and dreams for you. As the summer begins, I know you’ll spend hours playing with your friends at the pool and in the front yard, and each hour of independence will make your mama seem, that less cool. And that’s okay. But I really hope we have at least a couple more school years like this one….

I loved walking hand in hand with you when I had the pleasure of working at your school, and the smile I received each afternoon at the parent pick-up line, will forever be etched in my heart.

I know how lucky I have been to get to see you off and pick you up, each and every school day. Not many mamas are given that gift, and that is one I will forever and always, cherish.

I loved seeing you in the hallway amongst your peers. You were so proud to have your mama working at your school and lovingly introduced me to each of your friends, you even waited until each of your friends got a good hug in before it was your turn. I often wonder how long you’ll let that be. Can we agree to never let it end??

I loved the school assignments that were to be completed at home, the stamps you received on your graded papers, and the endless sand piles that poured out of your shoes after school. You’ve learned so much in just a year! My heart swells with pride when I hear you read your next book or try so hard to write sentences without asking for help.

You’re going to do amazing things, Finley. We’re already SO incredibly proud of you.

I pray that you have the most AMAZING summer. I pray for your strength to be brave. Strength for new beginning and strength to accept change. I know change is never easy but is almost always good!

I love you, my sweet boy!!

My Kindergarten GRADUATE!!!

I cannot wait to see what FIRST GRADE holds for you - Fall, please arrive gracefully!!

We love you more than words can ever say Little Man! 💙💙

XO, Mom


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