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One Day Closer to 30

As May draws near, so does my birthday. 
2024, the year I celebrate my 29th birthday! 
The last birthday of my 20s.

Now that the big 3-0 is on the horizon (I swear I can almost see it...) it's funny to think back on how big, bad, scary and horrible, I thought getting older would be. Sure, I am still considered "young" and have at least two thirds of my life ahead of me (knock on wood), I find myself against the grain and not dreading the inevitable stage of gaining another year of life, under my belt.

last year in my 20s foil balloon arch
Looking back on my 20s, is really eye opening. It is amazing, really!

The things that seemed like a big deal at the time, turned out to be small steppingstones on the road to something so much better. The things that I thought for sure would break me, has turned me into a better and more gracious, person. And the things I thought for sure I wanted, turned out to be much different from what I feel blessed to have now.

There is so much beauty in reflection, especially when you think back on your life.

In the last decade, I have moved countless times, including across the country. I have given birth, not once, but twice, to the two most perfect boys. I got engaged to the man I loved when I was 18, and ended up marrying him- and guess what, I love him even more now, than I did then! I work in an industry I had no interest in and although the track of life I thought I had at 19 is not nearly the same as the track I took, I couldn't imagine a better and more bountiful life! I have traveled to new places, both near and far and made so many incredible friends, while also saying goodbye to others. I have warn multiple hats and taken on all kinds of responsibilities, some of which I have failed. Some of those ears were the most challenging and formative years that I have journeyed thus far. But each year, has taught me a lesson and I am proud and encouraged for the years to come.

Instead of fearing 30, I plan on enjoying the last year of my twenties as much as I can, and setting up my 30s and onward, to be just as great!

Before I reach 30, there are ten things I wish to do. They are all attainable, nothing outrageous, but things that I think will add some greatness, as I end my twenties.

Travel somewhere new

Traveling is something I have always enjoyed, near or far, I want to experience it all!

My travel list is about 15 miles long and I’m always adding new places to it, but this year I want to cross off at least one new place! Whether it’s a quick trip somewhere in the U.S. or a trip that requires my passport, I’m ready to experience a new-to-me area and take it all in!

Fill my savings

There is nothing that says, growing up, like freaking out about your financial future.

Being that we own our home and have a family, it is imperative that we save as much as we can for our future and the futures of our children. Although my income is medial in the scheme of things, I plan to strongly up my savings and feel more financially stable.

Branch out of the comfort zone 

The saying that nothing good happens in your comfort zone rings so true and is my mantra for the next year!

While I find myself being extroverted, I can still be easily intimidated when it comes to trying something outside of my comfort zone- whether that’s joining a new mom group, trying a new workout class, doing something alone, etc. I have often felt frustrated with myself before, when I didn’t try something I wanted to, and this year I refuse to let that happen!! While stepping out of my comfort zone may be trivial to some, to me, I hope that it'll lead to personal growth.

Learn that it’s ok to say no

I know you're thinking, "oh jeez, here she goes again...."

But I have always been the type of person that says “yes” to everything, even if my plate is already overflowing, the thought of saying no gives me the chills. Over the years it’s caused a lot of undue stress and left me feeling overwhelmed. This year, I want to find a better yes-no balance. I need to stop telling and actually implement, saying no. Feeling too tired to go out, rather than dragging myself out, I need to say no. It's okay to say no to things that dont bring me joy and things that don't add to my goals. It is okay to say no to something that doesn't interest me. I can no longer put myself out for people that wouldn't do the same for me. My world isn’t going to stop if I say no, and in fact, it might be better if I do!!

Continue to read more

Reading is something I am passionate about and it’s something I don’t see myself ever stopping. While my ability to read varies from time to time, I always want to take the time to pick up a book. There are so many benefits to reading and it is something I thoroughly enjoy! I want to continue to read and to expand from the typical genres and authors that I generally gravitate towards.

Make more time for me

There are times I feel like I’m burning both ends of the stick and instead of allowing myself to rest, I continue to burn until I am completely burnt out and feel in a funk. It’s not healthy mentally or physically, and leaves me displeased in myself as a person, mother, and wife. This year, I want to make it a priority to better care for myself, and to give myself the grace I give to others. When I am overwhelmed, I need to take a few minutes to care for myself. I need to remember to take time for myself, outside of the necessary.

Learn to let things go

I am an over-analyzer. I hold onto things and let them fester before I am able to let them go. I create my own anxiety by replaying things over and over again. It's a character flaw that needs consistent work, and I need to make the choice to let things go, right away. To not focus on things outside of my control. I have gotten better at this over the years, but there is still much to go!

Stop being available to everyone, all the time

I have always been the dependable friend. The dependable family member. If you needed something done or needed someone to be there, I was always there. But as the years have flown by, I am realizing that it makes me a direct hit for being used and abused, and then tossed. I find with friendships, I am always there for the late plans or the cancellation, but who is there for me? This year, I want to put in what I get back. Instead of worrying about upsetting those in my life, I need to put myself first and stop allowing myself to get treated poorly or unfairly.

Nourish the real friendships

If it’s one thing I’ve learned in my twenties, it’s that humans are chaotic, dynamic and definitely not constant. If there is anything consistent, it's that betrayal can happen to you by even those you would never suspect. People make time for the people they care about, and don't for those they don't. I have some really great, close friends, and this next year, I want to nourish our friendships and let the friendships that require all my effort, to fall how they may. No longer can I focus on twenty baskets, it's time to be selfish and focus on the top five!

Ask for what I want

No one can read my mind. I know, shocking!

I spent a lot of time feeling annoyed or put out when something didn’t go as I expected or hoped for. With this new found wisdom, I have realized that more times than not, I had never spoken up and said so. How can people meet my expectations (or at least try) if they don’t know what they are? This next year, I need to vocalize my needs, wants and wishes!

Thank you all for following along with me each and every day!

I feel so grateful to have this space where I can share bits and pieces of my life with you.

Cheers to another year full of fun, lots of memories & a lot of good things to share!!

Here we come, 29!!




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