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-- Tattoo Tour --

A popular trend on social media is tattoo tours and I personally LOVE them! I love seeing all the unique and beautiful artwork people are sporting and I love to hear the reasoning associated with them or lack there-of!! I know that tattoos can be a taboo subject and the meaning or lack there of behind them can be interpreted differently, but I personally love tattoos and always have.

One of my first memories in regard to tattoos, is my babysitter, as a toddler, had a son named Jason and if you knew 2/3/4 year old Kelleen, then you know I was in LOVE with Ja-Ja-Ja- Jason! He was much older than me, but he was my biggest crush. Jason had tattoos covering his arms and I always thought he was such a badass. I knew one day, I too, would have tattoos....

love tattoo on top of foot

In June 2013, right after graduation, my friend Meghan and I vacationed in Florida, at my Nana's house, for a week, celebrating our graduation and my 18th birthday. This trip was so much fun! We were really able to just do whatever we wanted form day to day all-the-while, spending time with my favorite person, my Nana. One morning I woke up and decided that that day was the day, I was going to get my first tattoo. I had just turned 18 not even a week prior and had already been pinning endless tattoos on my Pinterest board. The thought behind my LOVE tattoo, at that time was that I thought it was cute (not very deep, I know). Now, years later, it holds such a meaningful resemblance, as I am reminded of such a wonderful vacation with my Nana. We created endless memories while I was in town, and I'll be damned if she wasn't so proud of my small but mighty tattoo! I love that I am reminded of such an exciting and happy time in my life and I am reminded of my favorite person everyday!

make us proud with the ASL love sign, tattoo on collarbone


If you know my family, then you know the significance of that saying, but for those who aren't... my Poppi (my paternal grandfather) passed away in November 2012 and one of his most popular sayings was "make us proud." This saying was replayed to my brother, and I often as we went through adolescents and my brother and I wanted to commemorate the patriarch for the Coyle family in a way that encompassed all that it was to be a Coyle. I took it a step further and asked my dad if he would write "make us proud" so that I could have his very lettering encapsulated onto my collarbone. I also added the "I love you" ASL sign as that has held significant meaning to my brother, father, and I, dating back as far as I can remember. I love this tattoo. I love the significance, the story, and most importantly, love that my father was such an intricate part to it, and I share a matching tattoo with my favorite brother, so that is pretty cool too!!

kissy lips on butt tattoo

I'll be the first to admit that when I am told no, I feel like I need to do it. Regardless the circumstance, one of my toxic traits is that when I am told not to do something that I have an urge to do it anyways (tattoos, more children, you tell me no and I'm going to say, watch me). This tattoo resembles my toxicity. I had said for a long time that I was going to get kissy lips on my booty. A "kiss my ass" tattoo if you will. In April 2016, I was sitting at my desk at the optometry office, and I decided in that moment, I was going to schedule my appointment and do it. And just like that, I was in the chair, well laying face down @$$ up, in the chair, that very night. I can tell you that just as unimpressed as you are reading this, my now husband, then boyfriend and my dad feel too. In fact, in pictures that were taken while I was getting this tattoo, you can see Hally's completely unimpressed. And my dad, yeah not a fan. But hey, I think it's hilarious and cute. (And it is important to note that although I do not have the body of almost 21-year-old Kelleen, the tattoo continues to look the same.)

signature tattoo on lower arm

When I got engaged in 2018, I really struggled with the thought of getting married and my Nana not being by my side. For as long as I can remember, my Nana was going to be my maid of honor. She was going to be my right-hand girl and when I lost her in June 2016, those hopes and dreams quickly diminished. I know deep down she is always with me, but I needed a reminder. A couple months before our big day, for whatever reason, I was looking at the check my Nana had written to me before she passed away (this check has been, and always will be, in my wallet since the day she wrote it) and it clicked, I wanted her signature replicated and placed on my arm, so that she would be present and accounted for not only on our big day, but in every picture and everyday up until and after that I am blessed with. The size, the penmanship, everything, just as she wrote it. I had my Nana there, and her signature was the perfect reminder of that!

flower sleeve on right arm

In my 27 years of life, I have experienced a lot of lost. The death of my Poppi in 2012, and then my Nana in 2016. All my great-aunts and uncles, friends, and other family members. In February 2020, I lost my best friend Jackie, she had been driving to meet her mom for a birthday celebration and unfortunately never made it. In December 2020, I also lost my sister-in-law Jaime, who happened to be someone I was very close with and more of a sister to me then a sister-in-law could ever amount to. After I had Hudson, I struggled a lot with postpartum depression and I found solace in coming up with the perfect way to represent my loved ones, both Earth-side and in Heaven. In March 2022, I started my sleeve, seen above, each flower representing the birth month (minus the rose) of whom it was dedicated to.

When the people we love, pass away, it can be hard to accept that we won't ever get to see them again, to hear their laugh or share special memories with them... Pictures and mementos can be comforting, but for me, my tattoo keeps me close to those I love in Heaven. My tattoo also represents the people that make my world go round. It is a reminder of how close they are to me, even if in distance, they aren't.

The Monarch Butterfly represents my Nana in Heaven.

The Rose represents Jackie, my dear friend who is so incredibly missed.

The Water Lily represents my first born, sweet Finley Michael.

The Lily of the Valley flowers represent my dad, the only person in the world who can make me laugh and cry, in one look.

The Chrysanthemum represents my second born son, Hudson Randy Glenn and at the time, my mother, who celebrate their birthdays a day apart.

The Narcissus flower, for the month of December, represents my husband, Hally (yes, I know about the bad omen, it's okay).

The Daffodil represents my grandmother, my boys' Grandma Shit. She is last of my surviving grandparents and someone I have grown closer to since becoming a mother myself.

The Daisy represents the month of April, for my sister-in-law, Jamie.

top arm sleeve tattoo with flowers

A couple weeks ago, after 10 hours, I completed my sleeve.

Rocky Mountain Columbine representing home, Colorado. Lily of the Valley flowers were placed again, to represent my daddy and twin brother, who are also fellow Gemini, May, babies. Another Chrysanthemum was placed, representing my mom, who does more for me than anyone in the world (originally, the Chrysanthemum was done to represent both Hudson and my mom, but they both deserve to be represented in their own regard.) Marigold to represent my Poppi in heaven, he is an October baby. And a Carnation for my angel in heaven, my Nana.

I love being able to represent my loved ones in such a beautiful and meaningful way! The time spent in the tattoo chair is nothing when it comes to carrying my loved ones with me forever.

** if tattoos aren’t your thing, that is TOTALLY okay, but I love them and these are some of my most meaningful pieces, and I love being able to carry my loved ones with me every day and being reminded of them. At least it wasn’t another set of kissy lips on my booty.


My original Tattoo Tour Post, was posted on April 8th, 2023, and since then, I have two new additions that I am excited to share about!!

In August, 2023, I embarked on a journey of entrepreneurship with my good friend, Danielle. Together, we founded the Double Caffeinated Mamas, an online shop full of creative, caffeinated, mom paraphernalia that was on trend, within budget, and high quality! We were an online only, boutique with ready-to-ship, glassware, apparel, accessories and handbags! The journey was a years worth in time, but everlasting in the knowledge we gained, and the memories made. As small business owners, we were not blind to the uphill battles and setbacks that would occur, but unfortunately our labor of love had run its course, and although we are forever thankful and grateful for the opportunity to bless social media feeds with all we love and have loved, and to have met so many wonderful people, we closed our shop a year after opening. To commemorate our adventure, together, we split our (double) caffeinated logo, and each recieved a coffee cup that was once upon a pair, on the back of our apparel items. I love having this reminder of this journey, this labor of both love and the occasional frustration.

I LOVE YOU For Mother's Day this year, May 2024, I asked my husband and children for a gift that would last a lifetime. The flamingo, to some, reminds you of the sun shining on your skin, while you sip a frozen cocktail out of a coconut with an umbrella on top. You can feel yourself lounging in a hammock, relaxing, while listening to the sounds of the waves in the distance. Flamingos are oftentimes, the epitome of tropical vacations, endless relaxation, and playful luxury. But to me, it is so much more than that...

Motherhood is like the story of a flamingo.

Both go through a phase full of selfless sacrifice, devotion, and love.

And while I am reminded that I am not alone, and know that my pink will return as it once was, that I am doing my most accomplished job of all, being a mommy to my two precious babes! While Hudson may be too young to write "I love you" on his own regard, I look forward to adding his replication underneath when he is able. This tattoo is one of the most meaningful and I love that my kids were able to be apart of it! Having them with me was so exciting and I love having a piece of 6 year old, Finley, for forever!!

Be vibrant and embrace that color, mama!

For the time being, that completes my tattoo tour! All so meaningful in their own regard, and all make me feel unique and beautiful. I love that I am able to hold such significance in such an artistic manner, and I love being able to share with others about my pieces and why they are what they are. Thank you for allowing me to share my heart!

Do you have any tattoos? If so, what do you have? If not, would you ever get one??

XO, Kelleen

1 comentario

08 abr 2023

I now have six tattoos. My first is the Chinese symbol for honor, encircled by names of people who had passed that I wanted to honor. My grandmother Oma (yes that was her name), my Uncle Randy (Hally’s dad), a friend of mine Joe (I called him Jo Jo), Teryl (my daughter’s paternal grandmother), and GT46 ( an officer who was killed while on duty). My second one is plumeria flowers with music notes and Kyra’s name-for my daughter. It also has the name of one of her friends who passed away at the age of 8. Her name was Alley. My third is a colorful dragon with a yin-yang symbol, it is to protect the honor of th…

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