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Things I Can't Be Bothered With

A Light-hearted Take on Life's Little Annoyances

Do you ever find yourself thinking, "I just can't be bothered" when faced with certain situations or tasks? There is a new trend surfacing across TikTok, where we share things that we can no longer, summon the energy or motivation to deal with. Let's dive into a humorous exploration of things that make us say, "Nope, not today!"

Dog with eye mask on

Windshield Wiper Fluid

It has always been a joke that women as a whole, are more careless when it comes to their vehicles and vehicle maintenance, and for me, that stands to be true when it comes to my windshield wiper fluid! I can't check to see how much is in there, and even if I could, I wouldn't! It only pertains to me, when I go to use some and there isn't any the idiot light turns on. Then I just zoom zoom, over to the gas station, buy some more, and have someone put it in there for me! Ta-da, problem solved!

If You Don't Like My Tattoos

When it comes to tattoos, everyone seems to have an opinion- whether you ask for it or not. In my experience, people generally don't get tattoos for anyone other than themselves, and people seem so quick to judge them, to question them, to express their distaste for them. But to me, I couldn't be bothered with your distaste or not. For me, my tattoos are an expression of me, of my loved ones, of a stage of my life- what have you, and I've gotten them for me and me alone. Your opinion of them doesn't change my love for them, and frankly, just makes me want to get more- ha!

Cheap vs Expensive Alcohol

You know those people, who are like "oh my goodness, I can only drink top shelf because... yatta yatta yatta", yeah, well, that's not me! I can't be bothered by the premium brands rather than the cheaper bottles of liquor. I understand that to some, you often get what you pay for when it comes to tasting, that more expensive, premium liquors, often offer natural ingredients and more careful distilling, but for me, it is all about budget! I am a cocktail mixer type of gal anyway, so whether it's Pinnacle or Grey Goose, it all goes down the same for me!

Movie Theater Popcorn Calories

I don't even want to know how many calories are in a small, medium, or large bowl of movie theater popcorn has, because if the kids and I are at the movies, we are going to share some movie theater popcorn regardless of the astounding number of calories per handful! You cannot go to the movies without popcorn, and if I am going to spend $100 for tickets, I am going to spend $30 more for the whole kit and caboodle, and I'll worry about the repercussions at a later date.

Diet Soda

"The aspartame in diet soda is going to kill you." Okay, and? I am well aware that diet soda is not good for your health, that it contributes to weight gain, insulin confusion, and whatever else, but the occasional diet coke I drink, sometimes makes my day go from meh to good, and that's all I am worried about. Now I am not an everyday soda drinker to begin with, and maybe it is "diet culture" that got me hooked on diet to begin with, but that is almost always my preference, unless I am fighting a migraine then regular coke sure helps! Just let me live, Martha!

Ankle Socks

Let's face it – the trends are always changing, and I will be the first to admit that I am not one to stay up with them to begin with, but I do scroll social media on a pretty much daily basis and according to Gen whatever, ankle socks are OUT, and baby, speak for your damn self! I still rock a side part, and my closet still has numerous pairs of skinny jeans, and ankle socks are my sock of choice. So yeah, that's all about that.

The Cost of Apple Music

Or any music streaming service for that matter. I am not a radio girly and I thoroughly enjoy listening to my music. I don't always know the latest or greatest, but what I do know and love, will be blasted through my speakers during every car ride! Now I don't have Sirius XM or Spotify, let alone Pandora whatever, but I do have Apple Music and that works for me! I like being able to look up any song or artist and download whatever song(s) I want. I like being able to curate my own playlists and share them with my loved ones. So, while the additional expense may come across frivolous, the $16 or whatever (who knows the actual cost because again, I can't be bothered to know) is a necessity to me and my mental health.

In a world that never stops moving, it's okay to admit when we simply can't be bothered. Recognizing our limits and giving ourselves permission to take a break is essential for our well-being. Trends come and go, but I think it is time we all embrace our "can't be bothered" moments with a touch of humor and a lot of self-care, after all, life is too damn short to sweat the small stuff!

If you made it this far, you're cool and I like you! My list is a little more extensive than I thought it'd be, and I fear there are more I could share, but 7 seems more than plenty- ha!

So here's to honoring our energy levels and prioritizing our peace of mind- because sometimes, you just can't be bothered and that's perfectly okay! If you are up for it, comment below some of your "can't be bothered" items! I bet a lot of us share similar things!!




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