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Getting to know, the Blonde + Tipsy + Mama

I haven't done a get-to-know-me, in a while so with the #gettoknowmetag going around, I thought I would share about me, Kelleen, the Blonde Tipsy Mama!

1. Are you named after someone? Yes, well kind of.

My mom's best friend's name is Kelli and that is where my first name, Kelleen came from- a mix of her classic name and add a little bit of spice.

My middle name is Marie, how 90's of me! Marie actually came from my paternal grandmother, who also shares the middle name Marie. And subsequently became the middle name to both of family dogs, Rogan Marie and Rylan Marie- leaving my mark everywhere I go!

2. When was the last time you cried? Honestly, a couple weeks ago.

I am not a hugely emotional person, especially when it comes to crying. But, I will cry when I am upset and angry. I find that when I am unable to grasp overwhelming anger or feeling of being upset, I cry. And over the summer, I found this feeling occurring more frequently than it has in a long, long time. Feeling inadequate and disrespected, misunderstood and like a failure, I really struggled this summer and I found solace in crying, alone, in the shower and then bossing-up like nothing ever happened.

3. Do you have kids? YES! My kids are my whole life.

Finley Michael Scott, my kind-hearted, 6 years old, who is in first grade this year!

Hudson Randy Glenn is my two-and-a-half, year old babe, who encompasses all that it is to be a second child.

4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself? This question, may come across simply, but to me, it's a bit complicated to answer.

I would like to think that if I were another person, that I'd be enchanted to be friends with myself, but I can't be sure that my other self, would need a friend like me.

I have not always been the best friend, I have not always been the friend that my friends needed me to be, and I have not always been successful in friendships that I wish I could redo, but with age comes growth and I am proud of the type of friend that I am today! I will be the very first to encourage you and wish you and your loved ones well. I want everyone to be friends and I will always be peacekeeper. But I also won't sugar coat things. If I am upset or feeling let down, I will tell you. I will be blunt, but with kindness, always!

I encourage you to read my post "You are who you hang out with" for more about who I am as a friend.

5. Do you have a guilty pleasure? I try very hard to not feel guilty about the things that bring me joy.

I enjoy the Real Housewives franchise and a good ole thriller novel.

I enjoy vodka tonics with lime and an occasional wild night.

I also enjoy spending my weekends at the track with my boys and making memories with my loved ones.

6. Do you like handwriting? I like the ASMR type of handwriting.

Calligraphy is so beautiful to me, but not something I am blessed with an ability to partake in.

7. What is your favorite cereal? Cereal is not something I find myself reaching to often, but the occasional bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios is good for the soul.

8. What is the first thing you notice about people? Their smile.

You can learn so much, so fast, from someone's smile.

9. What color are your eyes? Green, blue.

10. Scary movies or happy endings? How about both?

I enjoy scary movies and the anticipation and thrill that ignites within my belly, while enjoying a good scary film, but I also love a good-hearted, happy ending!

11. Favorite TV show? Dexter, the Real Housewives Franchise, Big Brother, and The Great Food Truck Race.

12. Summer or winter? Summer.

Although, I enjoy winter activities such as snowboarding and tubing!

13. Hugs or kisses? Hugs baby!

14. What’s the furthest you’ve been from home? I have been fortunate enough to do a lot of traveling throughout my life.

I have been to the Bahamas and a few Caribbean Islands, Hawaii and Curacao. I have traveled to Mexico and Belize, Honduras and Puerto Rico.

15. Do you have special talents? Talents?

I am really good at reading people!

I also am quite proud of my online- FBI, finding people, skills.

16. Where were you born. Denver, Colorado

17. What are your hobbies? Blogging and wake-boarding.

Snowboarding and boating.

Being a boy mama and riding dirt bikes.

18. Do you have any pets? My very first baby, Buster Louise.

Our 10 year-old, Boxer, Pitbull, mix.

19. Favorite movie? I love to watch movies and I am a creature of habit, but some of my favorites are; The Town, Gran Torino, Home Alone, and Top Gun.

20. What color is your car? My current car is white!

21. What did you want to be when you grow up? When I was little, I wanted to be a teenager!

Throughout high school I had hopes of becoming a pharmacist, and of course, I have always had a desire to be a mama.

And that concludes the #gettoknowme post!

Thank you for reading and allowing me to share more about who I am outside of the Blonde Tipsy mama!

XO, Kelleen


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