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Letting Go

Apologies are often seen as a form of closure, a way to heal wounds and move on from past grievances. However, what if the apology you seek never comes?

white delicate daisy

Waiting for an apology can be like allowing someone to hold you hostage, trapping you in a cycle of hurt and resentment. You should never expect the person that hurt you, to be the person that saves you. Forgiveness is something that you do for you, not for the other person. And fortunately, the two run linear, you can allow yourself forgiveness for the circumstance, but unless something really significant has taken place, forgiveness does not mean that you have to let the person who harmed you, back into your life. When holding onto the hope of an apology, you allow the detriment of your well-being to be in their control, it is time for you to let go, and allow yourself to be free.

Release the Emotional Burden- Holding onto the expectation of an apology can weigh heavily on your emotional well-being. It keeps you tethered to the past, reliving the hurt and disappointment each time the apology doesn't materialize. By releasing the need for an apology, you free yourself from the emotional burden of waiting for validation from someone else.

Empower Yourself- Waiting for an apology gives the other person power over your emotions and happiness. By letting go of the expectation of an apology, you reclaim your power and take control of your own well-being. You no longer rely on someone else's actions to dictate how you feel, empowering yourself to find closure and move forward on your terms.

Focus on Self-Healing- Instead of waiting for an external apology to bring you peace, focus on self-healing and inner strength. Take the time to nurture yourself, practice self-care, and engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. By shifting the focus from external validation to self-love, you prioritize your well-being and emotional health.

Break the Cycle- Waiting for an apology can create a toxic cycle of expectation and disappointment. Break free from this cycle by setting boundaries and choosing to let go of the need for validation from others. Recognize that you have the power to break free from the chains of waiting for an apology and choose to move forward with grace and self-assurance.

Embrace Forgiveness- Forgiveness is not about condoning the actions of others but about releasing yourself from the pain and anger that come with holding onto past grievances. By letting go of the need for an apology, you open the door to forgiveness and allow yourself to experience peace and closure, regardless of whether the apology ever comes.

Ultimately, closure is something you create for yourself, not something that someone else can give you. By letting go of the expectation of an apology, you pave the way to create your own closure and find peace within yourself. Trust in your inner strength and resilience to move past the need for external validation and embrace the freedom that comes with self-acceptance.

Waiting for an apology is like holding yourself hostage to the actions of others.

It keeps you bound to the past and prevents you from moving forward with grace and self-assurance. By letting go of the need for an apology, you empower yourself to healgrow, and find closure on your own terms. 

Remember, true healing comes from within, and the key to setting yourself free lies in releasing the expectations that no longer serve you.

Embrace the art of letting go and watch as your inner strength and resilience shine through, guiding you towards a future filled with peace and self-acceptance.

In a world where the need for closure often hinges on external validation, finding peace within yourself is the ultimate act of self-love and empowerment. Letting go of the expectation of an apology can be the key to unlocking your inner strength and embracing a future filled with peace and self-acceptance.

Move forward in peace, my friends!

XO, Kelleen



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