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Pack Your Bags, Kiddos!!

When I was a child, our family of four traveled multiple times a year. 

Being that we lived in Colorado and our extended family was mostly in Florida, we visited the sunshine state, at least once, if not twice or three times a year. Outside of our Florida trips, we also traveled state side, on cruises and endless other flights to various places. Whether it be for Thanksgiving or Spring Break, Winter Break or a summertime trip, my brother and I were blessed with cruises and trips, year after year! 

airplane with luggage

Some of my favorite and most prized memories from my childhood, are while on vacation with my parents. The new countries we'd see and the excursions we had- snorkeling was always on the menu and I would give everything to go back to those days. 

When I became a mom, I promised my babies that they too, would see the world! That they too would have the opportunity to travel and experience new cultures. To not just visit our extended family, but to create everlasting memories with one another, outside the walls of our home. 

As a child, my mom worked for United Airlines, so that was a huge bonus and a big motivator as to how we traveled so often. From Honduras and Hawaii to South Dakota and Turks and Cacaos, the trips never fell short. For me and my little family of four, our budget is a little tighter. As much as I'd love to take my kids on a cruise every year and on road-trips for every school break, that just isn't our reality in this season of life, and guess what, that’s okay! But that doesn’t mean that we don’t prioritize trips and vacations for us to experience together. My husband and I have been more mindful about buying less stuff, and spending less money on things that take away from our trip funds. Our trips aren't always lavish, and our kids aren't always dining with escargot or octopus on the menu, but our goal to take the kids to a new experience, or to visit a new place, year after year is something we feel really happy to accomplish. 

Last year, Finley and Hudson went on their first cruise to the ABC islands (Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao). Curacao has a very special place in my heart, and I always said that if we could get my brother and his family, and my parents and us, all on a cruise, that that is where we should go. To take our kids to a place that has meaning to the Coyle Family, where my dad had lived for a period of time, where my aunts still frequent. A place where my grandfather ran businesses and vacations spent in my childhood had taken place. And while some may question why a 2-year-old needs to go on a cruise... let me share with you my thoughts, on why traveling with our kids, at a young age, is so important...

New Experiences

Visiting somewhere away from the ordinary, naturally results in new experiences. New foods and sights, cultures and place, smells and even languages; there is so much we can learn and experience when we venture outside our "home." New ideas come from making new connections within our brain, so the more experiences our kids gather, and the sooner they collect them, the better their ideas and creativity will prosper for years to come. 

Everlasting Memories

There aren't enough words to articulate the number of conversations that occur around our dinner table, that begin with the phase "remember that one time we went to..." These trips we take together, always result in lasting memories, regardless if we were in Europe, Alaska, or a new city in our home state. But, undoubtedly, the conversations about these experiences will take place for the rest of our lives, and for that, I am thankful! 

Family Bonding

Being together, as a family, is the principal motivation for our travels. Taking trips together as a family, allows us to be together, outside our normal routine. We are opening new levels and facets of trust within one another. We talk more, we have discussions more, and we experience new things together. There is no pressure when on vacation, so we are able to grow closer together, as a family, and our relationships are strengthened. 

Vacations are SO fun

Recently, I had come across a life-changing quote, “If you make children happy now, you make them happy twenty years hence by the memory of it.” —Sydney Smith.

This idea is relevant to this conversation about taking trips with our kids while they are young. The fun we have together is not just lived once, but through their memories, experienced throughout their lives.

We only have 18 Summers

Motherhood and life within itself, consists of seasons: childhood, young adulthood, getting married, raising children, empty nesters, etc . The key to making the most of life, is to fully embrace each season you live in, and for us, parenting our two children, while still under our roof, has been our favorite season and the thought that these times are fleeting make me want to cry.... You only get 18 summers with our children and to me, it is of at most importance, that we make the most of each and every one of them, and taking trips together has made that possible.

Experiencing New Cultures

It is very easy to get caught up into your own little world but being able to show our children new cultures and for us to learn about other cultures, is so important! Not every trip we take (or can take) involves seeing a new country or a culture exponentially different, but I think that if the opportunity arises where you can expose your children to other ways of living outside of their own neighborhood, you should take it! 

Possessions Fade

Not wanting to sound like a broken record, but I strongly believe that our children should have experiences that are everlasting, over possession that break, get stolen, or lose their luster. Our experiences remain with us throughout our lifetime, and I love being able to experience life alongside my children. 


While our children are out of their normal routines, a new opportunity arises for responsibilities to emerge. Even something as simple as "you are responsible for packing your toy backpack and make sure it gets into the trunk before we leave," fosters ownership for our kids. Other requests such as, "pick where we should go to dinner tonight" can bolster their decision-making skills. And for us, having the kids helping with the before, during, and after travel necessities helps them to learn more about what it takes to have an enjoyable vacation. 

Technology Break

I don't want to start off on the wrong foot here and ensure that I am clear when I say, going on a trip doesn't mean our kids don't bring their iPads and it certainly doesn't mean that they don't use them, but I have found that the use of technology drastically decreases, when they lack wifi (when on a cruise) or are busy exploring a new city, state, country. One of my favorite things about cruises is the lack of technology usage; I mean sure, you can purchase a wifi package, but for my husband and I, it is a complete break from social media and texting, from mindlessly scrolling and distractions. When we visit a new place, and there are new things to see and do, the pull of technology is much lower than when we are at home, and I really enjoy that. 

Lead By Example

It is not lost on me, that traveling to new place is not for everyone, and that not everyone enjoys trips as a family, but I also know that there are so many people who yearn for the opportunity to travel and never do. For any a number of reasons, travel is more of a dream than a reality, and I want to show my children that it is possible. That with a little bit of planning and budgeting, you can make vacations a reality! 

This year, for Finley's birthday, we are taking the boys to the Bahamas, and I cannot explain how excited I am! This will be a surprise trip, as FInley is unaware of where we are going, and that within itself is enough to make me scream for joy! I am proud of the hardwork my husband and I have had preparing for this trip, between budgeting and selling unused items within our home, this trip is possible, and that is not lostot on me. Vacations of any mulitutde are always possible, and I hope that you take the time to plan one for you and your family! Our children deserve to see just as much of the world as we do, they deserve to experience all that life has to offer, and what better way than alongside of you, experiencing it all together!!


So tell me, what is the next trip you have planned?? If you could take your kids anywhere, where would it be??

Safe Travels friends!!

XO, Kelleen


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