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Who are you trying to impress??

You're drowning in the game of life but yet, you are so eager to impress.

So eager to put on a front that is not at all you- a front that you perceive to be the "goal" but who determined that that was the end all be all?

Who is it you are trying to impress? Your parents? Your friends? Peers? 
Masquerade mask

How about instead of focusing all this time and energy on trying to impress others, you put that focused energy on how to build yourself and self-worth up.

Who the hell are you trying to impress?

Trying to impress others can be a daunting and difficult task.

We're all guilty of trying to put our best foot forward to gain the approval of others, but sometimes it is necessary to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Living a life where you are in constant competition with others can be exhausting and oftentimes will leave you feeling empty. Empty mentally, physically, emotionally, and I would bet financially. If this is a feeling that resonates with you, a feeling that you recognize, it is time to stop trying to impress others and start living life for you and yourself.

From an early age, it is instilled in us, that to be successful in life, we need to make a good, everlasting, impression on others. And don't get me wrong, there are definitely benefits to introducing yourself with a positive manner, to stand out from the crowd in one way or another- but when it becomes too much, we are not just conforming to external pressures, but we are also denying ourselves, of our own unique potential. Just as we tell our children, you are uniquely made and you babe, you too, are uniquely, wonderfully, you.

Our drive to always impress, further reinforces the internal pressure of feeling like we have something to prove, and gosh, that is damn draining- physically, emotionally, etc. If instead, every day, we embraced our own individuality, challenging ourselves to be authentically ourselves- expressing our true selves rather than constantly curating how it is seen by others- life would be truly liberating!

We all see those kids, much like my kiddo Hudson, where he walks to the beat of his own drum. He is free to live and does as he pleases; dancing in public, singing to the top of his lungs- that, that is living freely!

Whether you find yourself trying to impress a new friend, or your colleagues at work, a new partner, or members of your family, you are taking time away from yourself. Time is an hourglass, that we only are gifted 24 hours of, each day, and if you focus that precious time on trying to impress others and gain their approval, you're taking away time that could be spent on being your best, true, self!

By focusing on yourself and doing what makes you, you, you will find so much positivity and beauty in who you are! Whether you are taking a class, learning a new skill, or simply spending time with yourself, you are growing and developing in ways that trying to impress others, could never do! Rather than emulating someone you see as #goals, you could easily become the #goals for those around you.

True satisfaction comes from within. Trying to always be the best that you can be an exhausting and discouraging task- regardless of how much approval you get from others- it will never bring you the same satisfaction and happiness, as feeling content and uniquely, yourself. When you spend time on yourself, and truly dig deep to understand who you are, you gain true self-satisfaction in a life, where there is no need for external validation. When you start to understand and accept your worth, you'll stop seeking external validation and gain a peace of mind that comes from true satisfaction. (Don't get me wrong, I think we all love encouraging words and positive words of affirmation from our loved ones and peers but feeling that way about yourself each and every day is beyond powerful!)

When you focus on yourself, you will find that you build more meaningful relationships.

When you are constantly trying to impress others, or emulate others, you are building relationships based on falsity, thus, disingenuous relationships.

Relationships that are built on genuine, real, connections last a lifetime and the power of them are everlasting. It is important that we also note that everyone has flaws and everyone makes mistakes, so when you start to accept and embrace your own flaws, it allows you to feel more authentic in who you are and less conscientious about said flaws.

Spending so much time trying to impress others can be detrimental to finding your true purpose in life. While you are busy trying to please everyone else, be like everyone else, you forget what makes you happy. By taking a step back, and disengaging from the false sense of self, you can start to explore what truly makes your heart smile. Discovering your true purpose and what makes you happy, opens a door to so much love and appreciation! You give your life more meaning and can easily find your place in the world once you stop worrying about the external approval of others.

By taking away the focus of trying to emulate others and impress them, you become more confident within yourself and truly can accomplish any and everything set before you. Boosting your self-esteem gives you the courage to take the risks and try new things, you have no reason to be afraid of what others think of you, so chase after those dreams- even those little pipeline ones!!

One of the most amazing attributes our friends and peers can have, is authenticity, so why not you? In order to be authentic, you must be your true self- it is impossible to be authentic when you spend your time trying to impress others and building a life that isn't true to you and your heart. I encourage you to start today, to find the parts of yourself that you have been ignoring and tend to them graciously. Water them, feed them, and speak positivity over them. Leave the world of envy and jealousy behind. Put the pressure of impressing others to the waste side and make decisions and choices that are true to who you are. Take the risks without fear of judgement or disapproval. Lead a life with a greater sense of freedom and make decisions that are right for you, not others.

I encourage you to refocus your energy on what makes you truly happy. Instead of constantly worrying about what other people may think, focus on the things that bring you joy and fulfillment. Take control of your own happiness and prioritize what truly matters to you and the life you want to lead.

XO, Kelleen


Mar 14, 2024

Great read. Needed this today.

Mar 14, 2024
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Thank you for reading, Breyzehn!!

Never forget, that you are enough and worthy!

XO, Blonde Tipsy Mama


lupe Kneupper
Mar 13, 2024

Very intriguing I like it

Mar 14, 2024
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Thank you for reading, Lupe!!

You are enough and worthy, never forget that!!

XO, Blonde Tipsy Mama

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