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Here's to Year Two!!


Number 2 Foil Balloon

Dang, here we are, the start of our second year together. Two years of curling up on the couch typing away while my two rowdy boys, hurricane through my house. Two years of sitting at the table with a candle lit and a cup or three of coffee. And of course, the moments where I need to release all my indiscretions and thoughts, memories and more, with a Moscow Mule in hand.

For two years, I have found comfort in sharing my vulnerability and thoughts in regards to

As I look back at the last year, I am in awe of how much life has evolved!! 

I found myself to be more consumer oriented this last year, but nonetheless I have shared some of my short comings and family indiscretions, I have shared about my friendships past and present, trips down memory lane and the never-ending cycle of dealing with narcissists. I shared about my parenting journey and the short-comings I have faced and being outnumbered over the summer. I shared about the life-long advice of never arguing with an idiot, and my distaste for excuses. Still, I feel overwhelmed with pride and joy with how much I have grown and the headspace I find myself to be in, today!

I am in awe of the support I have received not only in reading my posts, interacting with them on social media, and the endless messages and comments I have received from my readers. 

In addition to being a stay-at-home mama... I have continued to substitute teach within my county and officially opened an online, Etsy shop, where my creativity flows and have found great success! (

Finley is doing all the things! Our sweet boy has found great success in First Grade, as he was awarded the Certificate of Positive Attendance and a Certificate of Achievement and was placed on the Principals Honor Roll for the second year in a row! He also enjoyed karate and spends his Thursday afternoons and Saturday mornings playing soccer for the second Spring season in a row! This boy is destined to do amazing things and is by far, the most amazing kiddo, ever!

Hudson is a young, wild and THREE! You'll catch him giving me a run for my money day in and day out, while I cross my legs hoping I don't pee from laughing at his hilarious demeanor. I am thankful for the days we spend together where we play with Play Doh and sing songs, or the weekends he rips it at the track. Hulk Hudson is one in a million and boy are we lucky that he is ours!!

My man, my man, my man. We navigated through a lot this year, more privately then previously, but we are headed for a year of greatness! As we entered our 11th year together, we are looking forward to more date nights and being more intentional with our time together. Marriage is not easy, and there has to be work put in daily and I feel confident for the years to come, that we will continue to have just as many if not more, successes!

The relationship with my loved ones, that I have found myself sharing a lot about, stays toxic but my mindset has changed. As we enter another year with our tribe, we can celebrate that we have made it to a brighter day and a sunnier forecast. I am confident that as we navigate the high highs and low, lows, that our boundaries will stay steadfast and we will continue to "accept that we can only control so much, and finding compassion for others can be a powerful way of letting go rather than getting wrapped into unnecessary, unwarranted, and un-fixable dramatics."

I am looking forward to another year of writing my heart out and connecting with others through my written thoughts, feelings, vulnerabilities, and connections!

I am excited to continue to build our everlasting bonds and sharing many more triumphs this year! I am hopeful and encouraged that we will continue to work through every trial and misfortune that comes our way, with clarity and grace! Thank you for being my sounding board and allowing me to share all that is, Kelleen.

Thank you again to my readers and those who are cheering me on, as I navigate this journey called life!! I am incredibly grateful for each and every one of you.

Here's to another year of, the Blonde Tipsy Mama!!


XO, Kelleen


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